*************** Lockheed T33 A for fs2002 *************
Fuerza Aerea Mexicana (Mexican Air Force)

Original Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli,
Air File by Bruce Thorson
Texture by Gerardo Taccoli.
Repainted in Mexican Air Force colors by Genaro Dominguez. February 2002

This plane is used by the Mexican Air Force in patrol/interception role mode in all mexican air space, and like a transition plane to F-5s. This model represent two color schemes, one the "red eagle head" and other "red tail". Actually, all T-33s in the FAM (Fuerza Aerea Mexicana) are in dark green color.

I want to give special thanks to Massimo Taccoli, for his permission to repaint this excellent bird.

******************* PANEL ***********************

The panel contained in this archive is an original work of Bruce Thorson. The Bitmap is original from Phil Perrot slightly modified by me with the small black an yellow checklist label.
Move file f80c_shooting_star.gau in gauges folder of fs2002.


The archive doesn't contains a specific sound file , but points to the default Lear 45 sound file. To have a more realistic sound, you can use that contained in www.SurClaro. (file lockf80c.zip) by Massimo Taccoli.

Just unziped in temporary folder, copy the folder FAM T33A into aircraft folder from your fs2002.
It's all.

This archive is released as Freeware. Copyright 2001 © Massimo Taccoli.Repainted in FAM colors by G. Dominguez.
As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the following conditions.
- The archive must be distributed without modification to its contents. Redistributing this archive with any files added, removed or modified is prohibited.
- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited.
- This aircraft model is made available for the private use. Under no circumstances may this zip file be modified or sold for profit.

I have had no problem using the files ,however there is NO warranty, guarantee of any kind and I am not liable for any problems on hardware or software you may encounter while using this file.
You use this software at your own risk.

Web site: http://www.maxtac.it
E-mail : maxtaccoli@tiscalinet.it
E-mail :pilatus56@hotmail.com (Genaro Dominguez)